Our Team
We believe that people with lived knowledge of pain are the real experts in this area. To truly understand their experiences, we have to understand their stories.
Using innovative methods, our lab research focuses on understanding how children and young people, and their families, make sense of and experience pain (their stories).
We believe that understanding these stories can help to improve the lives for those experiencing long-term pain in the future
Pain Stories Lab Members
Members of the Pain Stories Lab conduct research on the experiences of children and young people, and their families, living with pain.

Dr Abbie Jordan
Dr Abbie Jordan's work focuses on using innovative research methods to understand stories that children, young people and their families tell about their thoughts and experiences of living with pain. Abbie’s work focuses particularly on issues around identity, parenting, diagnostic uncertainty and how we communicate about pain to others.

Tess Rugg
Tess Rugg is a PhD student in the Pain Stories Lab.
She aims to understand and assess identity formation in the context of young people living with chronic pain. Tess is keen on using novel and creative methods of data collection, such as Story Completion and Photo-Elicitation, to generate data to understand how young people with chronic pain think about their identity, particularly in relation to pain.
Bath associations
The Pain Stories Lab is part of the Bath Centre for Pain Research and works closely with the Bath Centre for Pain Services.